About the Artist

Hey there, I'm Verity!
I am a Canadian living in Bristol, UK creating all manners of weird and wonderful things. I graduated from the Wimbledon College of Art with a BA in Technical Arts and Special Effects in 2015. I have been working as a freelancer in the film industry ever since: from special effects in live-action film, product advertisement, to my recent 8-year stint at Aardman Animations as a professional puppet maker.
CreatureCave is my constant source of experiment and play, as well as providing commission freelance work- which I have finally managed to expand into a fulltime business!
My obsession with monsters and creatures fuels my passion of bringing them to life in the forms of drawings and sculptures (both digital and traditional), and custom Character Dolls.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions, or if you are interested in commissioning me for Character Dolls, original sculptures, illustrations, or stop-motion animation puppets.